Basic Instinctless
I swear, I was ready to cry at Stone's ridiculous 4 words per minute dialogue delivery. Coupled with the constant I'm-so-evil-but-I-know-U-want-to-do-me-right-now look that was so contrived -- Put together they were enough to get those tear ducts going. Right from the beginning the movie is slow, phenomenally affected and has been directed by what I can only imagine to be a light boy. The lead actor, whatever his name is was TERRIBLE. He wasn't even able to muster up the lust he was supposed to be feeling for Ms. The whole world wants to do me. Aaargggh! Why was this bloody movie made and why o why did I go for it?!
If your watching on DVD - there's more than your fill of tits and ass -- but in Indian cinemas well you'd be sorely disappointed thanks to our censor board -- which personally I believe didn't do its job at all -- if there was even one person with ANY sense on it, they wouldn't have allowed this movie to be shown because IT'S JUST SO BAD.
Anyway, as my friends and I suffered through this movie, I couldn't help but feel that as an actress Stone as become worse with age. She wasn't Oscar winning material in any of her other movies, but I thought she was passable. And though there's no doubt that at 48 her body can put any 20 year olds to shame -- this time it wasn't enough.